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Time to give some context to all your efforts on your design system 💪 Describe the reasons behind your design system, your principles, the ecosystem in which it evolves and what is made of.


Here’s an example of what Shopify is saying about Polaris, its design system:

Polaris is the design system for the Shopify admin. It’s the shared language that guides how we build high-quality merchant experiences, and is grounded in deep merchant understanding. Polaris is used both internally at Shopify and externally by third-party developers and designers. From accessibility to performance to design expertise, it gives you the tools to build a world-class admin experience.


What principles are driving your team when it comes to create/improve new tokens or components, defining processes, working as a team?


What platforms is your product available on? Web only? iOS? Android? Third-party apps? Having all the context in which your design system evolves is key for your team, as all constrains are known when working on primitives, design tokens or components.


Having a clear and comprehensible structure is as important as the elements it contains. Your design system can be made of a lot of things, we already add some of them in this template, but as everything in it, feel free to customize it on your needs!


According to Shopify Polaris:

Primitives are smallest units of the system that represent codified design decisions and reusable visual elements.